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Ask An Expert

An Expert Guidance Makes All the Difference

In today’s competitive marketplace, 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, and about 50% falter by their fifth year.

Member Forbes Coaches Council
Who is an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is hard

Entrepreneurs face numerous challenges, from meeting revenue targets and achieving profitability to hiring the right talent and developing compelling business models.

Entrepreneurs need strategic guidance

Effectively scaling business operations is yet another hurdle. Without strategic guidance, these obstacles can become insurmountable, stifling growth and innovation.

Ask An Expert

Solution? Transform Your Business with Florence Chikezie

As an internationally recognized business development expert and member of the Forbes Council of Coaches, I, Florence Chikezie, am uniquely equipped to guide you through these complexities.

Florence Chikezie
Start Your Business in 30 Days Email Course
How to transition from a 9-5 to starting a business

Why Working With an Expert Matters

Engaging with an expert is not just about solving immediate problems—it’s about transforming your approach to business. Entrepreneurs who seek guidance not only navigate challenges more effectively but also see significant improvements in their operational efficiency and market reach.

Data does not lie

In fact, businesses that utilize expert consulting grow at a faster rate and are 30% more likely to succeed past the critical five-year mark.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Begin your journey to success by booking a session with me today. Together, we will map out a path to not just survive in your market, but to thrive and outpace the competition.

I have the right education and experience to guide you

I earned a Master’s degree in International Business from Hult International Business School in London, a prestigious institution renowned for its excellence in business education.

In addition to my academic qualifications, I have built and managed four highly successful businesses: ReDahlia Workspaces, The ReDahlia Business Academy, Entrepreneurs.ng and Complify.

Through these ventures, I have had the privilege of working closely with entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey, offering guidance and support in business setup, starting, and scaling.

I am nationally and internationally certified

I am proud to be a nationally certified Business Development Service Provider with a practicing license from SMEDAN, an agency dedicated to fostering the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria. Additionally, I underwent specialized training with Deutschmark Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), which has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to serve as an officially recognized MSME Trainer, Facilitator, and Coach.

I am committed to your success

My commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial talent extends beyond the local level. I have served as a business coach and development expert at the Transform Nigerian Youths Program, an initiative of Mastercard, where I provided counseling, coaching, and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs.

I Foster Entrepreneurship Success Worldwide

Additionally, I participated in the Google Hustlers program with Upskill Digital, coaching two entrepreneurs weekly. Furthermore, as a judge at Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) Prize Competition, a Jack Ma’s Foundation initiative, I played a key role in identifying and supporting promising entrepreneurs competing for a share of $1.5 million in grant money during the ABH grand finale pitch competition.

I Am the business expert. book a Consulting session with me.

In recognition of my expertise, I have been invited to speak at various events where I advocate entrepreneurship as a catalyst for economic development.

Through the Ask an Expert program I have worked with over 100 aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, assisting them in setting up, starting, and scaling their businesses.

Notably, I delivered a keynote address at the Bell University Annual Event and was a speaker at PMI’s Africa conference in 2022, emphasizing the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth.

My Expertise and Focus Areas: How I Can Work with You


Business Development

I guide you in expanding your business's reach through strategic partnerships, market exploration, and customer engagement strategies that drive growth and opportunity.


Business Growth Planning

Together, we'll craft a clear and actionable roadmap tailored to scale your business, focusing on financial health, market positioning, and sustainable expansion techniques.


Business Model Development

I help you innovate or refine your business model to ensure it's robust, profitable, and adaptable to market changes, securing your business's long-term viability.


Marketing And Sales Development

You'll learn to attract and retain customers with effective marketing tactics and sales processes that resonate with your target audience and amplify your revenue.


Business Automation And Sales Funnel Building

I assist you in streamlining your operations with automation tools and constructing a sales funnel that nurtures leads and maximises conversion rates.


Business Strategy and Execution

We'll work together to develop a strategic plan that aligns with your vision and put in place a practical execution strategy that turns your business goals into reality.

Session Benefits: Actionable Takeaways for Your Business

Business Development Insight

A strategic approach for expanding your market presence and partnership potential.

Growth Plan Framework

Key steps to scale your business, tailored to your specific growth phase and industry.

Business Model Guidance

Critical evaluation of your current model and advice on sustainable revenue strategies.

Marketing and Sales Tactics

Clear methods to enhance your marketing efforts and sales conversions.

Automation Strategies

Insights on leveraging automation to streamline your processes and sales funnel efficiency.

Execution Roadmap

Practical advice on prioritizing and implementing strategic business initiatives

Steps To Book a Session With Me


Explore the Service

Take a moment to read through the service details to see how my expertise aligns with your needs.


Secure Your Spot

Choose a convenient time from my schedule and confirm your booking with an online payment.


Your Consultation Experience

Engage in a direct video call or opt for an in-person session. Bring your questions and prepare to receive personalized, expert advice.

Transparent Pricing

No hidden fees, no surprises. A session starts at N107,500.

The process is straightforward. Click to book a session and follow the instructions.

Stop the trials and errors. Let an expert guide you. Click to book a session now. 

What People Say About Our Sessions

Florence is packed with knowledge. Speaking with her was the best decision I made for my business.
Kate Chukwu
Founder- KatyClass
I was at a point in my business where I didn't know what to do. Someone recommended that I speak with Florence. So, I had to visit her office at 43B Emina Crescent. Let's just say that I got the answers I wanted.
Austin Njoku
Serial Entrepreneur
Florence is excellent. Talking to her showed me that she knows what she is doing. No wonder her businesses keep innovating. That session changed my business. Thank you.
Juliet Samuel
UK-Based Entrepreneur

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Ask an Expert with Florence Chikezie and Anwers

How does a 1:1 consultation work?

Select the time that works for you and book a session. You will receive a confirmation with a link to a video call or details for an in-person meeting, where you can discuss your business challenges and receive personalized advice.

What types of consultation sessions are available?

I provide comprehensive two-hour sessions designed to thoroughly understand and address your business needs. This duration ensures we can explore key areas in depth, allowing for a detailed assessment and strategic advice tailored to maximize the value you receive from our time together.

What can I expect to achieve in a session?

You’ll gain strategic insights tailored to your unique business challenges. Expect to leave with actionable steps to improve your business development, marketing strategies, or operational efficiencies, depending on the focus of our session.

Can I book more than one session?

Absolutely! You’re welcome to book multiple sessions to continuously evolve and adapt your business strategies. Regular consultations can help maintain momentum and ensure you’re on the path to success.

Why do you offer these sessions?

My goal is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners by sharing the knowledge and strategies I’ve accumulated over years of practice. I’m passionate about helping others succeed and grow their businesses.

Are sessions available internationally?

Yes, I welcome clients from around the globe. Sessions can be conducted via video calls, accommodating different time zones, with all times shown in your local time.

What if the session time I want is not available?

If your preferred time is unavailable, please reach out to discuss alternative times. I strive to accommodate your schedule as much as possible. Reach out on WhatsApp- 08038874148.

How do I prepare for my session?

Please come prepared with specific questions or topics you wish to discuss. The more focused the session, the greater the benefits you will receive. Before the session, we will send you a form to help us understand your specific needs, enabling us to tailor our advice directly to your requirements.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule after payment?

You can reschedule your session without penalty up to 48 hours before the scheduled time by selecting another available time slot. If it is less than 48 hours before the session, rescheduling is not possible as preparations for your session would have already been made. Please note that refunds are not available once payment has been made and the session is confirmed.

What happens if I’m not satisfied with the consultation?

Your satisfaction is paramount. If the consultation does not meet your expectations, please contact me to discuss how we can make it right, including potential adjustments to future sessions.

How are payments handled?

Payments can be made securely online at the time of booking. I accept major credit cards and mobile payment solutions. All transactions are processed through a secure payment gateway.

What technologies do we use for virtual sessions?

Our virtual sessions are conducted using Zoom, a reliable and easy-to-use video conferencing tool that ensures high-quality audio and video communication.

Are the consultations confidential?

Yes, your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. All consultations are conducted with the highest level of discretion, and any information shared is treated with strict confidentiality.

Can I purchase sessions as a gift for someone else?

Absolutely! You can purchase sessions as a thoughtful gift for colleagues, friends, or family members interested in advancing their business goals. This is a great way to support someone in their entrepreneurial journey.

What types of businesses can benefit from your consulting?

My consulting services are beneficial for a wide range of businesses, from startups to established enterprises. I specialize in various sectors including technology, retail, service industries, and more. My strategies are tailored to each business’s specific needs.

How should I follow up after a session?

After our session, I recommend implementing the strategies we discussed as soon as possible. You can follow up with me by booking another session to review progress, refine tactics, and address new challenges as your business evolves.

Do you offer any packages or ongoing support?

Yes, I offer packages that include multiple sessions at a discounted rate, as well as ongoing support options through retainer services. This means that you can hire me as a strategic growth expert for 6 months or more. These are designed to provide continuous guidance and mentorship, helping you stay on track and adapt to changes in your business.

What other services do you offer?

I founded ReDahlia, which currently houses four distinct business entities. We are a comprehensive business development organization dedicated to helping businesses start, set up, and scale. Get in touch with us at Business@entrepreneurs.ng or via WhatsApp at 08038874148.

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