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Business School And Full-Time Job – 7 Tips on How to Manage Your Precious Time

Business School and a full-time job

Attending business school while working a full-time job can quickly turn into an extremely daunting situation if you don’t prepare for it in advance. In order to succeed at both, you’ll have to be extremely organized and manage your time effectively. How do you manage your time between business school and a full-time job?

How To Manage Your Time Between Business School And a Full-time Job

Here are some excellent tips to help you manage your precious time while working and studying side by side.

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Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

1.    Decide on a Designated Study Spot

Creating a designated study spot can significantly boost focus and productivity. Design a setup that’s complete with all your books, stationery, and a stable internet connection. 

When all your study tools are in one place, you’ll be able to hit the books straight away without spending time searching for your things. As a result, you’ll be able to save up on plenty of precious time, which you can then spend on other essential things, like sleep and relaxation. 

Your study spot should be quiet, too. Loud or noisy places make it harder to focus and increase the amount of time you’ll need to complete your work.

2.    Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule (and sticking to it) is one of the most important things you must do if you wish to effectively strike a balance between work and school. 

Try creating a weekly schedule that accommodates everything from your time on campus to your hours at work. Weekly schedules work best because they are neither too long nor too short and can be reused each weak. 

If you feel like you’ll have trouble committing to your timetable, create a schedule that will allow you to finish off the day with a small reward, like half an hour of reading or TV time. 

3.    Choose a School That Fits Your Needs

Business school is tough-but some are undeniably more challenging than others. Before committing to a business school, you should look into all its requirements and coursework load.

Try talking to current students or alumni for more information. You can even try contacting the school’s admissions department for advice and guidance regarding whether or not you’ll be able to manage the coursework with a full-time job.

You should choose a university that has flexible credit requirements and a relatively lighter workload. If you feel like spending time on-campus might be too much to handle right now, you can consider other options like short diploma courses or summer school

4.    Consider an Online Degree

If you can’t find an in-person university that will fit in alongside your work schedule, consider applying to virtual universities that will allow you to take your classes online. 

Such schools generally have more flexible attendance demands than in-person universities, making it easier for people who are working full-time to receive an education at the same time.

Also, you can attend your online classes from anywhere, hence saving up on precious commute time.  

5.    Communicate with Your Boss

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Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

If you’re certain about applying to business school, let your boss know! By keeping your boss in the loop, you’ll be able to ask for time off for important events, like exams. 

Be sure to convey that your plans to attend business school will benefit the company, too. Getting a new degree will boost your knowledge and hence allow you to perform specialized tasks at work. It’s a definite win-win situation for both you and your employer!

See Also: Educational business ideas you can start now and make money.

6.    Plan for Deadlines in Advance

Try your best to remember important dates and plan for these deadlines in advance. For example, if you know that you’ve got an important essay due by the end of the week, start planning for it well before the deadline.

You must find a way to incorporate the time it’ll take to pen this essay into your regular schedule. Sometimes, you might have to trade in some of your relaxation or study time for it. However, if you plan out your essay-writing schedule well in advance, you won’t have to compromise on your other daily activities. 

7.    Take Time Off for Yourself

This one may sound counter-productive but hear us out!

You are not a machine, and you must take out time for yourself to relax. If you don’t do this, you’re increasing your chances of burnout. 

Once you’re burnt out, it’ll be next to impossible for you to continue working. As a result, your productivity will decline, and you might end up missing out on both job duties and academic expectations.

So, be sure to give yourself some me-time to avoid burning out!

Final Thoughts 

Working a full-time job while studying isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth it. Not only can you pay for your expenses while at school, but you’ll also graduate with a CV full of experience. Use these helpful tips to improve time management and productivity as you go through your week!

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Photo Credit: Canva



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