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How To Apply For TED Fellowship 2023

How To Apply For TED Fellowship 2023

Every year the TED Fellowship programme selects a new group of extraordinary, multidisciplinary individuals by open application. They look for innovators on the rise in their respective fields who are doing bold and original work.

TED Fellows are part of a diverse, collaborative and global community of more than 500 emerging and established experts. If selected, you will have the opportunity to give a TED Talk and gain valuable feedback from TED’s expert coaches on how to hone, express, and communicate your work and ideas.

You will receive career coaching and mentorship from their team of professional coaches and get public relations guidance and media training. You will also participate in virtual programming for TED Fellows and be invited to attend a TED conference.

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Who Should Apply?

If you are an individual working on the ground on world-changing ideas – you are a doer, maker, inventor, advocate, filmmaker and photographer, musician and artist, educator, scientist, entrepreneur, nonprofit leader, and human rights activist, then you are a good fit, but you must be over the age of 18 years.

In addition, you should have a proven track record of great work in your field, with fine character and a good heart. Ted is looking for individuals from all disciplines, who have collaborative, and kind personalities. The TED Fellows program is not an academic fellowship and non-traditional educations are welcome.

Programme Duration.

The primary obligations of your TED Fellowship will last for one year, but as you know – “once a TED Fellow, always a Fellow.” TED will always hope that TED Fellows stay engaged and thoughtful members of the community for many years.

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Benefits of TED Fellowship.

Once selected, TED Fellows receive transformational support. The program offers them TED’s power to help articulate and amplify their vision. The program supports TED Fellows’ with the individual capacity-building required to take the global stage. They equip TED Fellows with public speaking and media training, professional coaching, educational programming and connect them to a global network of peers and industry leaders.

The Application Process.

To apply, you’ll submit an application online during their open application cycle. Your written application is the primary means for showcasing your work as you need to tell them what makes your work unique and impactful. Please write clearly for a general audience and assume they know nothing about your field. TED only accept applications written in English and late submissions are not allowed.

How To Apply For Ted Fellowship Programme.

The TED Fellows programme is currently accepting applications for the TED 2023 Fellowship. Apply here. Applications for the 2023 TED Fellowship will close on June 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. UTC.

Image credit: ted.com



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