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4 Life Options You Should Never Consider In Your 20s


One of my favourite quotes is, “You only live once”, YOLO. It motivates me to do everything I can to make the most of my life at every given point in time. That’s a good thing. However, that same quote has equally inspired countless young people to live a carefree life which they ended up regretting a few years later. They forget that the life options they make impact their future.

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Being young is great. I am young, and I understand. I am still in my twenties, so I know what it feels like to have so much energy, zeal, and enthusiasm. And as an entrepreneur, I recommend it as the best time to start your first business.

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Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

You see, the 20s set the pace, and ultimately build a foundation for the remaining years of your life. The life options you take or refuse to take at this stage of your life will determine how far you go.

Are you still in your twenties? Then you should be careful about the choices you make now, because they will most likely determine how the rest of your life will turn out.

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Do you want to live the best of life after 30? Then do all you can to avoid these life options:

Relying on your parents/relatives’ goodwill

Let’s say you are one of the fortunate ones whose parents are still alive. Or maybe you even have great uncles and aunts or grandparents who extremely care for you. Your family members could be wealthy, and well connected. They could be ready to give you all the cash you need to build a successful business.

Fantastic! But don’t get carried away by their goodwill and simply forget how to make your own path in life. Don’t rely on them so much that you stop being responsible for yourself.

There are seasons in life. And nothing good lasts forever. This is the time to break free from your parents’ shadows. This is the best time to follow your passion and make your own money.

Do not get too comfortable in your comfort zone

A comfort zone is anywhere you have chosen to relax. Your comfort zone is anywhere that has ceased to challenge you. This is a place you can choose to be lazy 24/7. It is where you do not need to set reminders for daily tasks.

Never settle for your comfort zone in your 20s. Move out of your comfort zone and start planning your life afresh and on time.

The 20s are a great time to challenge yourself with responsibilities that look daring. This is the time to attempt tasks and opportunities that will make your heart beat faster. It’s the time to set life goals that will see you through the end of your life.

So, take responsibility! Pay the bills, and be in charge of a task.

Do not make emotional commitments if you aren’t ready

This isn’t the time to make serious emotional commitment either to a man or woman when you know you have other goals you want to pursue first. Do things the right way. The unfinished emotional baggage you leave in your 20s may haunt you later in your 40s. You should never make promises you would never keep to a man/woman. This has a way of creating confusion in your relationships. Worse still, you may carry over such mistakes into your marriage.

See Also: Side hustle business ideas that will earn you extra cash.

Never mortgage your future to make quick cash

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Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

The 20s are the time to play it rough, without looking at the consequences.



No matter how gratifying it looks, no matter how attractive it is, never compromise on your standard. Never give in to internet fraud and quick money. Ever heard of the sentence ‘slow and steady wins the race?’ Yes, you have to take it slow. Work your way up the rungs of the ladder. Ill-gotten wealth doesn’t last.

The list is by no means exhaustive. However, these four points would help you to fine-tune your thoughts and further align you towards the right path. Enjoy your 20s. They are one of the most beautiful moments in your existence. Yes, every stage of life is beautiful but set the stage. Make it right.

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