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Business Development Services in Nigeria- From Challenges To Solutions For Businesses.

Business development services

When we talk about “business development services” in Nigeria, we’re referring to the various forms of support that help businesses flourish.

Think of business development services as a toolbox full of different tools—consulting, market research, training, and more—that businesses can use to grow and overcome challenges. It’s like having a handy tool that can do many different jobs for your business.

See Also: How to move from idea to starting your business in 30 days.

Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don't Have An Idea
Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

The Importance of Business Development Services in the Nigerian Business Landscape

With a population of over 200 million people and a rapidly growing economy, Nigeria is a land brimming with entrepreneurial spirit. However, it’s not just about having a good business idea; it’s also about nurturing it with the right resources and support.

That’s where business development services come in—it’s the nurturing hand that guides businesses to maturity. For example, a small-scale farmer in Oyo State could use business development services to learn better farming techniques, understand how to access finance, or even find new markets for his produce. On the other side, a tech startup in Lagos might tap into business development services for advice on scaling their operations or developing a new app.

Now, let’s talk numbers to paint a clearer picture. According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, SMEs contribute about 48% of Nigeria’s GDP and account for 96% of businesses and 84% of employment. Yet, many of these businesses struggle to survive beyond their fifth year. This is partly due to challenges like funding, market access, and expertise—challenges that business development services- BDS is perfectly equipped to tackle.

Organisation Offering Business Development Service

ReDahlia and Entrepreneurs.ng are leading the way in helping businesses thrive. At ReDahlia Workspaces, entrepreneurs find more than just a desk; they find a supportive community that helps them grow and succeed. Entrepreneurs.ng is a treasure trove of information, offering the connections and knowledge businesses need to stand out.

ReDahlia Business Academy’s ‘Start Your Business in 30 Days’ program guides new entrepreneurs from idea to launch in just 30 days. And our partner company, Complify, ensures businesses stay on top of their tax and regulatory requirements. With our founder being part of the esteemed Forbes Coaches Council, we’re committed to making sure entrepreneurs have the tools and resources they need for lasting success.

By working with us, your business can increase its chances of success significantly. Business shouldn’t just be about surviving; it should be about thriving. And with us offering the right support and holding your hand, the sky is your starting point. Send a message to Business@entrepreneurs.ng or WhatsApp- 08038874148.

Overview of the Business Environment in Nigeria

Nigeria’s business terrain is as dynamic as it is challenging. With a mix of abundant natural resources, a young and entrepreneurial population, and a strategic geographic position, Nigeria has all the raw ingredients for a bustling economy. Yet, it’s a path lined with hurdles: from the infrastructural gaps to fluctuating economic policies, businesses in Nigeria face a real test of resilience.

Historically, Nigerian entrepreneurs have been a hardy bunch, often navigating these waters with sheer grit and adaptability. Take the oil boom of the 1970s, for instance; it saw a surge in wealth and a rush of new businesses. But as the oil market fluctuated, so did the fortunes of many of these companies. This rollercoaster of highs and lows has been a recurring theme in Nigeria’s economic story, making the need for robust support systems clear.

See Also: Comprehensive guide to starting a Nigerian Business Startup

Evolution of Business Development Services in Nigeria

Initially, the concept of business development services was informal and fragmented. Entrepreneurs relied on personal networks, community knowledge, and sometimes sheer luck to get their businesses off the ground. However, as the global economy began to knit closer together and the digital age dawned, the gaps in this informal system grew more apparent.

The 1990s and early 2000s marked a significant shift as Nigeria’s government and international organizations started to focus on structured BDS. Programs aimed at micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) began to emerge, recognizing that a healthy MSME sector could be the engine of economic growth and development.

Fast forward to today, and business development services in Nigeria have become more sophisticated and accessible. From incubators and accelerators to online platforms like Entrepreneurs.ng, the ecosystem has expanded to cover a spectrum of services that cater to businesses at every stage of their journey. ReDahlia, for example, is a modern iteration of BDS, embodying the principles of innovation and strategic growth support that are the hallmarks of today’s business development services.

This evolution is not just about adding more services, but also about refining the quality of support to be more impactful. The aim is not just to help businesses survive, but to thrive, innovate, and compete on both a local and global stage.

Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days
Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

Core Business Development Services in Nigeria

Consulting and Advisory

Consulting and advisory services are like having a seasoned guide by your side as you navigate the business jungle. It’s about giving entrepreneurs tailored advice that can help turn their vision into reality.

In Nigeria, this guidance is crucial. Whether it’s navigating the local regulatory requirements, crafting a business plan, or strategizing for expansion, consulting services provide the expertise that might not be inherently available within a company. ReDahlia stands out in this area, offering strategic advice that has helped countless businesses refine their models for better performance.

Training and Capacity Building

Entrepreneurs are constantly learning and adapting, and in Nigeria, there’s a growing recognition of the power of knowledge. Training and capacity building equip business owners and their teams with the skills to compete and excel.

For instance, ReDahlia Business Academy through the Start Your Business in 30 Days Program provides workshops and training sessions that cover everything from financial literacy to digital marketing, ensuring that entrepreneurs aren’t just well-versed in their products or services, but also in the art of business itself.

Access to Markets and Networking Opportunities

One of the biggest challenges for Nigerian businesses, especially SMEs, is accessing broader markets and finding the right connections.

Networking opportunities such as industry conferences, trade shows, and even online platforms like Entrepreneurs.ng can open doors that might otherwise remain closed. These platforms allow businesses to showcase their products, meet potential partners, and even attract investors.

Financial Services Facilitation

Let’s talk money—getting it, managing it, and making it work for the business. Financial services facilitation is a critical component of BDS, as access to finance is often cited as one of the primary barriers to business growth in Nigeria.

BDS providers can help businesses become ‘investment ready,’ guide them through the labyrinth of obtaining loans, and connect them with potential investors. In the Start Your Business in 30 Days Program, we bring a finance expert who teaches about funding and how to get funding for your business.

Technology and Innovation Support

In today’s fast-paced world, falling behind on technology can be the kiss of death for any business. That’s why technology and innovation support services are vital. They help businesses leverage the latest tech to streamline operations, improve products and services, and even reach new markets.

For instance, an app developer in Lagos might benefit from BDS which helps them patent a new software solution or connect with a global tech giant for collaboration.

See Also: Factors affecting entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

Key Players in the Nigerian Business Development Services Ecosystem

Governmental Agencies and Their Roles

In the Nigerian business development scene, governmental agencies act as the architects laying the foundation. They create policies, provide infrastructure, and sometimes even act as direct service providers.

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN):

This agency provides direct training and support to SMEs, helping them to develop business plans and gain access to finance. For instance, SMEDAN has been instrumental in the roll-out of the One Local Government One Product (OLGOP) program, which aims to promote the development of unique products in each local government area.

Bank of Industry (BOI):

The BOI offers financial assistance and loans targeted at various sectors within the economy, such as agro-processing, solid minerals, and technology. They have facilitated numerous programs, including the Youth Entrepreneurship Support (YES) Program, aimed at equipping young people with the skills to start and manage businesses.

Private Sector Consulting Firms

Then we have the private sector consulting firms—the seasoned builders in the business development services ecosystem. These are the ReDahlias of the industry, offering a suite of services from strategic planning to market analysis.

They are often run by professionals who have been in the trenches and know exactly what it takes to succeed in the competitive Nigerian market. Their personalized services are often the catalyst that propels small businesses into the limelight.

International Development Organizations

International development organizations are like supportive relatives who come to the family gathering with extra resources and a global perspective. Organizations such as the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) bring in funds, training, and programs designed to uplift the business sector.

Their focus on sustainable development often introduces Nigerian businesses to practices and standards that are globally recognized.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

UNIDO has been working on increasing the competitiveness of Nigerian SMEs through their Country Programme, which includes industrial governance and statistics, investment and technology promotion, and trade capacity building.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID):

Through initiatives like the USAID Nigeria Agribusiness Investment Activity, the agency is working to strengthen the business environment for agribusiness sectors by addressing issues such as policy reforms and access to finance.

Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Contributions

NGOs in the business development services sector often operate like the community centers of the business world. They are on the ground, providing grassroots-level support that is critical for micro and small enterprises.

They understand the local context intimately and can tailor their services to the specific needs of the communities they serve. Their work often includes empowering marginalized groups and advocating for policies that support small business growth.

FATE Foundation:

This NGO offers programs that include entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and support to emerging Nigerian entrepreneurs. They run various programs such as the Aspiring Entrepreneurs Program (AEP) and the ScaleUp Lab Accelerator Program.

Tony Elumelu Foundation

Known for its entrepreneurship program, which provides seed funding for African entrepreneurs across all 54 countries, including Nigeria. The program includes a 12-week intensive training on setting up and managing businesses, mentoring, and access to a large network of African entrepreneurs.

The Role of Academia and Research Institutions In Business Development Services

Last but not least, academia and research institutions are the wise sages of the BDS ecosystem. Universities and research bodies study the market, provide data, and develop new theories and strategies that can lead to business innovation.

They train the next generation of entrepreneurs and often partner with other players to conduct valuable research that informs policy and practice.

Lagos Business School (LBS):

Part of the Pan-Atlantic University, LBS offers executive programs and is involved in extensive business research. They work closely with businesses to provide management education that is relevant to the challenges of doing business in Nigeria.

African Institute for Science Policy and Innovation (AISPI):

Located within Obafemi Awolowo University, AISPI conducts research and offers advice on science, technology, and innovation policies that can drive sustainable development and economic growth.

See Also: Step-by-step guide to growing a business in Nigeria.

Challenges Facing Business Development Services Providers in Nigeria

Economic and Political Factors

Nigeria’s economic landscape is often unpredictable. Factors such as fluctuations in oil prices, foreign exchange instability, and political transitions can have a domino effect on the business environment. For business development services providers, this means constantly having to adjust strategies and advice to help businesses navigate these changes.

Political instability can lead to policy changes that affect business planning and investment, making the task of providing consistent and long-term advice quite challenging.

Infrastructural Deficits

Imagine trying to build a house with no tools or materials, and you’ll understand the infrastructural challenges in Nigeria.

For businesses, inadequate power supply, poor transportation networks, and limited access to technology can stifle growth and productivity. BDS providers must be innovative and resourceful, often helping businesses to develop contingency plans and find alternative solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Funding and Financial Limitations

Access to finance is a major hurdle for Nigerian businesses, particularly SMEs. While there are funding opportunities available, the requirements are often beyond the reach of many entrepreneurs.

Business development services providers, in trying to bridge this gap, sometimes struggle to connect businesses with suitable financing options. This limitation can restrict the scale and scope of services they can offer, particularly for those who require substantial investment to provide impactful support.

Regulatory Issues

Dealing with regulatory issues in Nigeria can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. The regulatory environment can be complex and sometimes inconsistent, with businesses often facing multiple layers of bureaucracy.

For BDS providers, staying abreast of the latest regulations, understanding them, and then translating this into actionable advice for businesses is a monumental task. Ensuring compliance while also fostering business growth is a delicate balance that requires both expertise and experience.

Success Stories of Businesses That Have Benefited from Business Development Services

The Nigerian business terrain is dotted with success stories, many of which have BDS to thank for their triumphs. As an organization, we have many testimonials from different entrepreneurs who have benefited from our services or have passed through any of our programs.

Take, for example, a Lagos-based fashion startup that participated in ReDahlia’s “Start Your Business in 30 Days” program. Before engagement, the startup struggled with inconsistent branding and a lack of clear market positioning. Post-program, they reported a 50% increase in sales within six months due to refined marketing strategies and improved brand visibility.

Also, one of the biggest real estate firms partnered with us to completely overhaul their business model. With ReDahlia’s expertise, we developed comprehensive growth plans, and marketing and sales strategies tailored specifically to the real estate sector.

By working closely over the long term, we ensured they had the guidance needed to remain accountable the revenue target they set. Their dedication to the plan resulted in achieving—and even surpassing—their ambitious revenue targets, setting a new benchmark for success in their market.

These are just a few examples of how engaging a business development services expert can impact your business success. If you want to move to the next point of growth, message us today at business@entrepreneurs.ng or WhatsApp- 08038874148.

Emerging Trends in Business Development Services

Digital Transformation and the Role of Technology

In the digital age, technology is not just an enabler but a catalyst for business transformation. Nigerian businesses are increasingly leveraging digital tools to enhance their operations, reach new markets, and create innovative products and services. From cloud computing and mobile technology to artificial intelligence and blockchain, the adoption of digital technologies is revolutionizing how businesses operate and deliver value.

Business development services providers are at the forefront of this shift, helping businesses navigate the digital landscape. For example, digital marketing strategies and e-commerce platforms have become essential components of the BDS toolkit, enabling businesses to tap into the global digital economy.

Furthermore, tech hubs and incubators are nurturing a new generation of tech entrepreneurs, providing them with the technical support and mentorship needed to succeed.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a watershed moment for businesses worldwide, and Nigeria is no exception. The crisis has underscored the importance of resilience and adaptability, with many businesses forced to pivot their operations and explore new ways of working.

Remote work, digital collaboration, and online sales channels have become the norm, accelerating the digital transformation across sectors.

BDS providers have played a critical role in helping businesses respond to these changes. From offering guidance on remote work setups to helping businesses pivot to online models, BDS has been instrumental in ensuring that businesses not only survive the pandemic but also emerge stronger and more adaptable.

Sustainable and Inclusive Business Development Practices

There’s a growing recognition of the need for businesses to be not only profitable but also sustainable and inclusive. This trend towards social and environmental responsibility is shaping BDS offerings, with an emphasis on sustainability, social impact, and inclusivity.

Business development services providers are incorporating sustainability into their services, advising businesses on how to minimize their environmental footprint and contribute positively to their communities.

Additionally, there’s an increasing focus on supporting women and youth entrepreneurs, ensuring that the benefits of entrepreneurship are widely shared and contribute to broader societal goals.

Strategies for Effective Business Development Services Delivery

How can business development services providers effectively deliver their services? We will look at a few points:

Best Practices in Business Development

Understanding the Client’s Needs:

The cornerstone of effective BDS is a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities each business faces. Tailoring services to meet these specific needs ensures that the support provided is both relevant and impactful.

For instance, a tech startup might need more support in intellectual property protection, while a manufacturing business might benefit more from operational efficiency consulting.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

The business world is constantly evolving, and so should business development services. Staying abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes enables BDS providers to offer up-to-date advice and solutions. This could involve regular training for BDS consultants or incorporating cutting-edge technology into service delivery.

Measurable Outcomes:

Setting clear, achievable goals and regularly measuring progress towards these goals is crucial. This not only helps in tracking the impact of the services provided but also in making necessary adjustments to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.

For example, if a BDS program aims to improve a business’s sales, setting specific sales targets and monitoring progress can provide clear indicators of the program’s effectiveness.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Leveraging Synergies:

Collaborating with other organizations, both within and outside the BDS sector, can amplify the impact of business development services.

For instance, a partnership between a BDS provider and a financial institution could offer businesses a combination of advisory services and access to finance. This is what ReDahlia achieved when it partnered with a top-tier financial institution to deepen its impact on SMEs.

Ecosystem Building:

Effective BDS delivery often requires a holistic approach that involves various stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector players, and educational institutions. By working together, these entities can create a more supportive environment for businesses to thrive.

For example, a BDS provider might collaborate with a local university to offer entrepreneurial training programs, combining practical business insights with academic rigour.

Scaling and Customization of Services

Technology-Enabled Solutions:

Utilizing digital platforms can extend the reach of BDS, allowing providers to serve more businesses efficiently.

Online training programs, virtual consulting sessions, and digital tools for business management can make BDS more accessible, especially in remote or underserved areas. This is why the Start Your Business in 30 Days program is completely online ensuring we can reach as many entrepreneurs as possible no matter where you are.

Tailored Services:

Understanding that each business is unique, we tailor our business development services (BDS) to meet the specific needs of each entrepreneur we work with. This bespoke approach ensures that our clients receive the most effective and relevant support, which has been instrumental in driving their success.

How Entrepreneurs Can Use Business Development Services Providers

Identifying the Right BDS Providers

Research and Due Diligence:

The first step for any entrepreneur looking to engage with BDS is to conduct thorough research. This includes exploring the provider’s track record, areas of expertise, and success stories.

Entrepreneurs should look for providers with experience in their specific industry or with the particular challenges they are facing. For instance, a tech startup might benefit most from a BDS provider that specializes in technology and innovation support.

Seek Recommendations:

Leveraging the power of networking to get recommendations from fellow entrepreneurs can be invaluable. Hearing firsthand experiences about how specific BDS providers have helped others can guide entrepreneurs toward the right fit for their business needs.

Active Engagement:

To fully benefit from BDS, entrepreneurs must be actively engaged in the process. This means not just attending sessions or meetings but also applying the insights and strategies discussed to their business operations.

For example, if a BDS provider offers advice on improving marketing strategies, the entrepreneur should implement these changes and monitor their impact.

Feedback Loop:

Establishing a feedback loop with the BDS provider ensures that the services remain aligned with the business’s evolving needs. Entrepreneurs should communicate openly about what is working and what isn’t, allowing the BDS provider to tailor their support effectively.

Explore Subsidized Programs:

Many governments and international organizations offer subsidized or even free BDS programs aimed at supporting SMEs. Entrepreneurs should explore these opportunities, which can provide access to high-quality services without the financial burden.

Incorporate BDS into Funding Proposals:

When seeking funding, entrepreneurs can include the cost of BDS in their budget proposals. This not only highlights the entrepreneur’s commitment to growth and improvement but also assures potential investors of the business’s proactive steps towards success.

The Future of Business Development Services in Nigeria

Predictions and Future Trends

Digital Innovation:

The future of business development services in Nigeria is poised to be shaped significantly by digital technologies. From AI-powered market analysis tools to virtual consulting platforms, digital innovation will make BDS more accessible and efficient. This means entrepreneurs in even the most remote areas of Nigeria will have access to top-tier business advice and resources.

Customized and Integrated Services

As the business landscape becomes more diverse, business development services providers will likely offer more specialized services tailored to specific industries and business stages.

We might see an increase in integrated services where, for instance, a single provider offers a blend of financial advice, market access support, and technological innovation under one roof.

Sustainability and Social Impact:

With global attention on sustainability and social responsibility, Nigerian businesses and BDS providers will likely place a greater emphasis on eco-friendly practices, social enterprises, and community impact. This trend will not only affect the types of businesses that emerge but also how existing businesses pivot to meet new consumer and investor expectations.

The Role of Policy in Shaping BDS

Government Support and Regulation:

Policy plays a crucial role in creating an environment conducive to the growth of business development services. We can anticipate more government initiatives aimed at supporting BDS providers, such as tax incentives, grants, and regulatory reforms. These policies will be designed to encourage the establishment and expansion of business development services firms, making it easier for businesses to access the support they need.

Fostering Innovation and Competition:

Policies aimed at fostering a competitive BDS market can drive innovation and improve service quality. This might include easing entry barriers for new BDS providers or creating platforms for sharing best practices among providers.

Recommendations for Stakeholders

For BDS Providers:

Stay agile and adaptable. Embrace technology and continuously seek to understand the evolving needs of your clientele. Collaborating with other providers and sectors can also enhance your service offerings and extend your reach.

For Entrepreneurs:

Be proactive in seeking out BDS that aligns with your business goals. Don’t hesitate to invest in these services, as they can be instrumental in your business’s growth and sustainability.

For the Government:

Consider policies that not only support BDS providers but also ensure that their services are accessible to all businesses, especially SMEs and startups. Investing in digital infrastructure and promoting digital literacy can magnify the impact of BDS.

For Investors and Financial Institutions:

Recognize the value of BDS in enhancing business viability and success rates. Consider partnering with BDS providers to offer combined packages of financial and developmental support to businesses.


As we wrap up our journey through the world of Business Development Services (BDS) in Nigeria, it’s clear that these services are a big deal for businesses, especially the smaller ones trying to grow. We’ve seen how BDS can offer a helping hand in many ways, from giving advice to teaching new skills and even connecting businesses with the right people and opportunities.

We talked about how BDS in Nigeria has grown and changed, becoming more tailored and tech-savvy to meet today’s needs. We also looked at the challenges, like the economy, the need for better infrastructure, finding enough money, and dealing with complicated rules.

The stories we shared about businesses that got a boost from BDS are proof that the right support at the right time can make a big difference. These success stories are not just good news for the businesses themselves but for everyone, showing us what’s possible.

Looking ahead, we’re excited about what’s next for BDS. Things like digital tools, services that fit exactly what each business needs and a focus on being green and helping the community are going to be more important. The government’s role in supporting BDS and making it easier for businesses to get what they need will be key.

My Final Thoughts on Business Development Services

To make the BDS world even better, we all need to pitch in. BDS providers should keep finding new ways to help businesses. Business owners should take advantage of these services, using them to help their businesses grow. The government can help by making policies that support BDS, and investors can look at funding businesses that have taken advantage of BDS to get stronger.

In the end, making BDS better is good for everyone. It helps businesses succeed, which means more jobs and a stronger economy for Nigeria. By working together, we can make sure that business development services remains a powerful tool for business growth.

How We Can Work with You to Start And Grow Your Business

If you want to work with our founder- Florence Chikezie to start a profitable and sustainable business, then enrol in the Start Your Business in 30 Days Program. She will take you from idea to starting your business in 30 days. At the end of the program, you will get a registered business with CAC, logo and brand assets, admin set-up, one-on-one consulting sessions and more. Click here to enrol.

Every week, she teaches practical business lessons that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. If you want to benefit from her teachings, click to sign up for the weekly business lesson here.

She is an internationally trained award-winning entrepreneur running three profitable businesses and a member of the prestigious Forbes Coaches Council. 

She also works with companies and established corporations to scale their impact and revenue. Reach us at Business@entrepreneurs.ng if you would like to transform your business.

See the different ways we can help increase your business success.



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