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How To Build Credibility And Reliability In Your Business Using A Professional Business Email

Professional Business Email

Why is a professional business email address important? For customers to trust and do business with you, they need to know, like, and trust you. However, building trust has become increasingly challenging in today’s world, where there is an overload of information.

Despite the difficulties, building trust with your customers and stakeholders is essential for the success of your business.

One effective way to establish trust and credibility is by using a customized business email address.

Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don't Have An Idea
Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

If you are still using @gmail.com or yahoo.com, you need to upgrade to a professional business email address to be taken seriously by clients and customers.

How do you want clients and customers to take you seriously if you don’t take yourself seriously?

Reasons Why A Professional Business Email Address With Your Businessname.com Reflects Credibility And Reliability

Here are some reasons why a professional email address with your business name reflects credibility and reliability

It Shows That You Take Your Business Seriously

By using a customised email address that includes your business name, you demonstrate that you take your business seriously and that you are committed to building a strong brand.

It Creates A Consistent Brand Image

Using a secure and customised address that is consistent with your business name and website, you create a cohesive and professional brand image. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps to build trust with your customers and clients.

It Helps To Avoid Spam Filters

Using a customised and secure email address can help to avoid your emails being flagged as spam. Many serious-minded businesses have filters that automatically flag emails from personal email addresses as spam.

Using a professional email address can help to avoid these filters and ensure that your emails reach your intended recipients. Who knows, you might be the one stopping and holding yourself back. Do what is right by getting a professional business email now.

It Is More Memorable

A customised professional email address that includes your business name is more memorable than a generic email address. This can help to ensure that your clients and customers remember your email address, which can be especially important when they need to contact you for important business matters.

All our clients know contact@redahlia.com and business@entrepreneurs.ng. These emails are what we use across our social media platforms.

It Reflects Reliability

Using a customised email address demonstrates that you are a reliable and trustworthy business owner. It shows that you are committed to professionalism and that you take your business seriously.

How To Set Up A Professional Business Email Address

Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days
Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

If you’re ready to set up a customised email address for your business, we’re excited to announce our partnership with Zoho Corporation, a multinational technology company specializing in computer software and web-based business tools.

We offer Zoho Workplace, an enterprise collaboration platform, as a value-added reseller to deepen our value for entrepreneurs.

We have established that a professional business email address with your businessname.com reflects credibility and reliability.

So, no more ABC@gmail.com or ABC@yahoo.com – let’s get you a sleek and professional ABC@abc.com.ng or ABC@abc.com or ABC@abc.ng email address to make your business look top-notch!

When you register your business through us, we will help you get a corporate bank account and free TIN, and now, we can also set up a secure and customised business email for your business.

And the best part?

Our tech wizards at ReDahlia will handle everything for you so you can sit back, relax, and focus on growing your business like a boss!

Our goal is to be the stop centre for entrepreneurs, and this partnership is just one more step in that direction

Times have changed! Don’t go sending business emails with Gmail or yahoo no more.

To set up your custom business email, contact Ebere on WhatsApp- at 08038874148 today. Don’t miss the opportunity to establish credibility and reliability for your business with a professional email address.


In summary, a professional email address is essential for building credibility and reliability in your business. Get it now.

By using a professional email address that is consistent with your brand, you can establish a professional image, avoid spam filters, and ensure that your customers and clients view you as a reliable and trustworthy business owner. Let our tech team set you up now. Learn the different options here.



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