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How to Register a Company In Nigeria Successfully

How to register a company in Nigeria

What is a company and how do you register a company in Nigeria? At the core of every entrepreneurial venture is the creation of a company—a legal entity that’s authorized to conduct business. If you want to legalize your company, talk to us at ReDahlia– 08038874148 or 08188122223.

One can define a company as an organized group of individuals and assets with a clear purpose, which the law recognizes as a single entity, distinct from its owners. This legal recognition gives companies the ability to enter into contracts, own assets, incur liabilities, and pay taxes.

See Also: How to transition from not having a business idea to having a functional registered business.

Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don't Have An Idea
Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

In Nigeria, the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is the governmental body responsible for company registration. This process not only gives your business a legal identity but also opens doors to numerous opportunities and benefits.

In this article, we will detail how to register a company in Nigeria and what to do after your company has been registered.

See Also: Detailed explanation of the different business structures in Nigeria

Different Types of Companies in Nigeria

There are several types of companies, each with its own legal and operational framework:

Sole Proprietorship:

The simplest form of business, where the company is owned and operated by a single individual. Here, the business and the owner are legally the same, meaning the owner bears unlimited liability for the company’s debts.


A company formed by two or more people. Like sole proprietorships, partnerships often leave the partners with unlimited liability for the business’s debts.

See Also: Comprehensive guide on how to register your business with CAC

Limited Liability Company (LLC):

A more formal structure that separates the owners (shareholders) from the business, meaning the owners’ liability for the company’s debts is limited to their investment in the company. This is the most common form for businesses looking to scale.

See Also: Benefits of registering a business in Nigeria.

Public Limited Company (PLC):

Similar to an LLC but with the capability to offer shares to the public. This type of company requires more stringent regulatory compliance due to its potential impact on public investors.

See Also: How to get TIN in Nigeria.

Non-Profit Organizations:

Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days
Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

Established for social, educational, religious, or other activities, not for profit. They reinvest any surplus into their mission rather than distributing it among members.

For most entrepreneurs looking to scale their operations, registering as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the most advantageous route. Now, we will look at how to register a company (LLC) in Nigeria.

Step-by-Step Process to Register a Company in Nigeria

Here are the steps to register a company in Nigeria:

Name Reservation:

The first step to registering your company in Nigeria is to reserve the name. This prevents others from registering a company with the same or a similar name.

It involves selecting a name that’s not only unique but also reflective of your business ethos. However, it’s important to be aware of the guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure the name you choose is acceptable.

Guidelines for Choosing a Company Name in Nigeria


The name should be distinct and not similar to any existing company’s name. The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) checks this to avoid confusion and legal issues.


Ideally, your company name should give an idea of what your business does. It should be relevant to the services or products you offer.

Prohibited Terms When Registering a Company:

Certain words are prohibited in company names. These include:

  1. Words that imply government endorsement, such as “Federal”, “National”, “State”, “Government”, and terms that suggest connections with governmental agencies.
  2. Terms that suggest affiliation with the banking or insurance sectors without the appropriate licenses, such as “Bank”, “Insurance”, “Trust”, etc.
  3. Names that could be considered offensive, vulgar, or in violation of public morality.

Legal Requirements:

The name should not violate any existing trademarks or intellectual property rights. This not only prevents legal challenges but also ensures your brand’s integrity.

To reserve a name, you would typically submit two proposed names via the CAC’s online portal. The CAC will then check these names against existing registrations and trademarks.

If your preferred name is available and meets the regulatory requirements, the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) will reserve it for you for a specified period, allowing you to proceed with the registration process.

See Also: How to choose the right business structure in Nigeria.

Prepare Your Documents:

The next step when you want to register a company in Nigeria is to prepare your documents. You can do this with the help of a lawyer or talk to ReDahlia at 08188122223 or 08038874148.

Essential documents you need include:

  1. Articles of Association
  2. Memorandum of Association
  3. Form CAC1.1 (Application form)
  4. Proof of address for the company
  5. Passport-sized photographs of the directors and shareholders

Registration with the CAC:

With your documents prepared, the next step is to submit them to the CAC, either through their online portal or by working with ReDahlia – 08038874148 or 08188122223. You will need to pay the prescribed fee, which varies based on the share capital of your company.

Tax Registration:

After receiving your certificate of incorporation, proceed to register with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) to obtain your Tax Identification Number (TIN) and VAT certificate. This is crucial for tax compliance and opens the door to business banking and other financial services. ReDahlia is equipped to help you comply with your taxes. Reach us at 08038874148 or 08188122223.

See Also: Factors to consider before choosing a legal structure in Nigeria.

Additional Registrations:

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to register with specific regulatory bodies. For example, companies in the food and health sector must register with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

Post-Incorporation Requirements For a Company Registered In Nigeria

Once your company is registered, it’s essential to comply with post-incorporation requirements to ensure your business remains in good standing.

Annual Returns

Companies are required to file annual returns with the CAC. This includes providing updated information about the company, such as the current directors, shareholders, and financial status. Failing to file annual returns can result in penalties and may affect the company’s legal status.

Tax Compliance

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

 Newly incorporated companies must obtain a TIN from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). This is crucial for tax filings and compliance. ReDahlia will help you do this. Reach us on 08188122223 or 08038874148.

Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration:

If applicable, companies should register for VAT and ensure timely remittance of the tax to the FIRS.

Company Income Tax:

Companies are expected to file income tax returns annually, paying any due taxes based on their earnings.

Regulatory Compliance

Depending on the sector your business operates in, there may be additional regulatory bodies to engage with post-incorporation. For instance:


For businesses in the food, drugs, and health sector.

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN):

For financial institutions.

Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC):

For companies in the telecommunications sector.

Ensuring compliance with these regulatory bodies often involves obtaining necessary permits, adhering to standards, and submitting regular reports.

Additional Considerations When You Register A Company in Nigeria

Business Plan:

Having a robust business plan is not just for operational purposes; it’s also crucial for attracting investors, loans, and other forms of funding.

Legal Advice:

It’s advisable to seek legal counsel to navigate the complexities of business registration and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.


Post-registration, ensure you stay compliant with all local, state, and federal laws, including tax filings, annual returns, and regulatory updates.


We have looked at how to register your company in Nigeria extensively. Registering your company in Nigeria is a significant first step towards establishing a successful and legally compliant business.

The process, while straightforward, requires careful attention to detail and adherence to regulatory requirements. By following these steps or working with ReDahlia, you’re laying a strong foundation for future success.

Remember, entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business; it’s about creating value and making a positive impact in your community. It is about being compliant, staying informed and constantly innovating.

How We Can Help You Register Your Business And Comply With Taxes Monthly

Send us a message on WhatsApp- 08188122223 or 08038874148 to help you with your business registration and tax compliance.

Our Essential Compliance Service Covers:

  • Initial Registration for VAT/TIN Certificate: Complete facilitation of your initial VAT/TIN registration process with FIRS and LIRS.
  • Initial Registration for PAYE, Business Premises, and Development Levy.
  • Monthly PAYE: Computation of PAYE deductible, remittance of PAYE, and filing of monthly returns.
  • Monthly VAT: Computation of VAT payable, remittance of VAT, and filing of monthly returns, taking cognizance of applicable tax laws.
  • Annual Business Premises and Development Levy Renewal

On-Demand Premium Services

  • Should your business require our ProMAX Compliance Service, which includes account preparation, auditing, and TCC filing, please contact us directly. This premium service is tailored to your specific needs and billed upon request.

Why Choose Our Compliance Services?

Peace of Mind: With our expertise, you can rest assured that your compliance needs are in capable hands.

Cost Efficiency: Save on potential non-compliance penalties with our cost-effective services.

Expert Guidance: Our seasoned professionals keep your business compliant amidst regulatory changes.

Get in touch today by clicking the contact us page or sending us a message on WhatsApp: 08038874148 or 08188122223.

How We Can Work with You to Start And Grow Your Business

If you want to work with our founder- Florence Chikezie to start a profitable and sustainable business, then enrol in the Start Your Business in 30 Days Program. She will take you from idea to starting your business in 30 days. At the end of the program, you will get a registered business with CAC, logo and brand assets, admin set-up, one-on-one consulting sessions and more. Click here to enrol.

Every week, she teaches practical business lessons that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. If you want to benefit from her teachings, click to sign up for the weekly business lesson here.

She is an internationally trained award-winning entrepreneur running three profitable businesses and a member of the prestigious Forbes Coaches Council. 

She also works with companies and established corporations to scale their impact and revenue. Reach us at Business@entrepreneurs.ng if you would like to transform your business.

See the different ways we can help increase your business success.



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