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Register for the AR/VR Africa Metathon 2022

Register for the AR/VR Africa Metathon 2022

Calling all who love creativity to apply now for the AR/VR Africa Metathon 2022! The AR/VR Africa Metathon is an expanded programme built around our flagship hackathon, the AR/VR Africa Hackathon. It is a call to all who love creativity, innovation and learning; an opportunity to get hands-on experience in AR and VR design and development, and meet others who also want to learn and create with AR and VR.

The 2022 AR/VR Africa Metathon is a planned program of events which comprises three major events:

  • AR/VR Africa Pre-hackathon training
  • AR/VR Africa Hackathon
  • AR/VR Africa Bootcamp
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Start Your Business in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Have An Idea

Programme Theme

Your XR, Your Way!

Teams are required to create solutions in the following verticals: Education, Healthcare, Gaming, Social Impact and Business Applications; with a wildcard option for a non-conforming brilliant solution. Teams’ solutions may address one or more verticals. We chose these focus areas because we believe they represent some of the most challenging problems and opportunities on the continent (and the world).

Programme Structure

The Pre-hackathon Training

Registration for the 2022 AR/VR Metathon starts on August 22nd and anyone on the African continent can register to be part of the online learning community. Upon registration, you join the discord server. Here you will have access to learning materials on ARCore, WebVR and Unity 3D, etc. There will be instructors to provide guided training, while industry experts provide mentorship, and facilitate masterclasses and workshops.

See also, Apply for the Commonwealth Youth Awards 2023.

The AR/VR Africa Hackathon

This year’s hackathon will be a hybrid event. The online hackathon will hold from November 21st – 25th, 2022 for participants in African countries without country partners. These participants will hack their solutions in a group known as ‘Africa Online’. The two-day offline hackathon will hold in 16 African countries:

  • Nigeria
  • South Africa
  • Mozambique
  • Egypt
  • Kenya
  • Cameroon
  • Tunisia
  • Ghana
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Namibia
  • Tanzania
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Uganda
  • Ethiopia.

Each country will have a country partner and team, who will oversee the planning and ensure the success of the Hackathon in their zone. The Hackathon will hold for 48 hours from 5 pm on 2nd December 2022 – 5 pm on 4th December 2022. After this, winners will be announced and prizes distributed at all levels and the 2022 Hackathon will come to an official close.

AR/VR Africa Bootcamp

The first place winners from each country/country group will have an opportunity to join the AR/VR Africa Bootcamp. During the Bootcamp, they will be educated on business by industry leaders, provided financial and technical support to build their MVPs and pitch their XR products or services to investors. The Bootcamp will commence on January 16th, 2023 and will run until April 3rd, 2023. The Demo day is scheduled for April 5th, 2023.


The AR/VR Africa Metathon comes with more benefits. For each country, there is a total of $3000 prize money. This amount will be split among 1st ($1500), 2nd ($800) and 3rd ($700) positions as described. The Overall winners of the Hackathon will be chosen from the 1st place winners from each country/country group. The top 3 solutions will receive $10,000, $8,000 and $7,000 respectively. And beyond the prizes at the hackathon, the teams joining the bootcamp will receive funds and technical support to build their winning solutions into MVPs and present them to investors. So here, you get exposed to a continent-wide community of AR/VR Africa Enthusiasts, experts, and Investors. The organisers are super excited about AR/VR Africa Metathon and hope to see what you build.

Programme Eligibility

  • Developers
  • Programmers
  • UI/UX designers
  • Artists
  • Animators
  • Storytellers
  • Enthusiasts
  • Professionals
  • Students
  • Everyone else
  • You also need to be a resident of Africa.
Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days
Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

Once you register and join the discord server, your learning will begin! Remember, anyone can go to a hackathon, regardless of their level of expertise.

Programme Timelines

  • Registration opens: August 22nd.
  • The Pre-hackathon training will commences: September 5th and ends November 20th.
  • Registration closes: 16th November.
  • The Online Hackathon: November 21st – 25th, 2022.
  • In-person Hackathon: December 2nd to 4th, 2022.
  • The Bootcamp: 16th January 2023 to 5th April, 2023.

Register now through this link or visit the official web page for the programme for more details.

See also, She Code Africa X Web3Ladies Bootcamp 2022.



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