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How To Make Money On Fiverr In Nigeria

How to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria

With the unfortunately high unemployment rate in Nigeria, many Nigerian youths are turning to freelance as a viable means of earning an income. Consequently, many Nigerians are taking advantage of Fiverr, one of the world’s best freelancing websites, to earn a keep. However, many young people do not understand how they can make money using the Fiverr freelancing platform. This post will teach you the step-by-step process that will help you learn how to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria.

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There are other freelancing platforms, but Fiverr has become the most popular one in Nigeria for obvious reasons. First, it is free and easy to join, and the platform does not discriminate against freelancers from third-world countries.

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However, as someone who has offered my skills as a freelancer on Fiverr previously, I can tell you that it is not easy to start making money on Fiverr. First, you need to understand how the platform works, then take advantage of that to push yourself to make more money.

How To Make Money On Fiverr

Here’s how to to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria.

Register An Account

The first step to making money on Fiverr in Nigeria is to register an account with them. Registering an account on Fiverr is super easy. You can choose to manually register by inputting your email address and entering a unique password and username.

Alternatively, you can choose to sign up in a few steps by simply signing up with your Facebook or Google Account.

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Create Your Gigs

The next stage after registering your account is to create your gigs. On Fiverr, a gig means that you create a mini-profile for the service you want to offer.

So, let’s take the example of a Content Writer who wants to offer services on Fiverr. The writer needs to create “gigs” that showcase the writing they want to offer on Fiverr. Is it article writing, poetry, or even blog posts? Create a gig that details the services that you want to offer.

A key aspect of creating a gig is pricing. Out of the box, Fiverr allows you to create three pricing levels for each gig which they label “basic”, “standard”, and “premium”. The idea is to offer the least quality of services for the least price and higher quality services at the premium stage with correlating quality services.

An excellent practice that you can imbibe when creating your new gigs is to search Fiverr for the top freelancers offering the same services as you plan to do, then studying and emulating how they formatted their gigs. Do not copy their text and other content; emulate their metadata, formatting and pricing.

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Optimise Your Gigs To Rank

I mentioned this briefly in the previous stage, so I will not dwell much on this stage. However, creating your gigs on Fiverr is not enough as you have to properly optimise your gigs so that they can be found.

There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of freelancers offering their skills on Fiverr, so you want to stand out from the rest. The best way for you to easily land jobs is by optimising your profile so that prospective clients can find you when they are searching for the kinds of services that you offer.

The first place to start optimising your gigs is the name that you give to your gigs. Make sure that the names of your gigs correspond with the search term that people are using when searching for the service you offer.

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Go from idea to starting your business in 30 days

After that, you want to make sure that your description is solid. Ensure that you find a way to input the search terms relevant to your services in the gig description, but don’t stuff it unnaturally. Next, input your gig metadata. Make sure that your metadata reflect the keyword you are trying to rank for and close synonyms. Finally, check out our SEO content for more insights on how to optimise your content.

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Apply For Work

After optimising your gigs, the next step to help you make money on Fiverr is to start applying for jobs. Most of the jobs you will get on Fiverr will come from new clients as a newbie on Fiverr. Therefore, you need to apply for jobs to stand a chance of getting jobs.

To apply for jobs, access Fiverr on a PC, click on “more“, and select “buyer requests” to access requests you can apply for. Depending on the gigs you registered, you might not immediately see buyer requests, so make sure that you constantly check to be the first to see requests.

An important aspect of applying for jobs on Fiverr is the offer message. Make sure that you compose a short, punchy message that goes straight to the point and apply to multiple buyer requests.

Understand Rating and Ranking

When you eventually get a job on Fiverr, you need to understand that it does not end there. You have to actually make an effort to delight the client who patronised you.

Fiverr has an algorithm system that ranks freelancers based on the rankings that clients give them, so you want to make sure that your clients are giving you a constant five-star rating.

To ensure that clients continually give you 5 stars when rating, you must satisfy them at all times. Also, when submitting jobs, make it clear to clients that you will appreciate a 5-star rating and do everything to satisfy them.

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Expand Your Business

The mistake that many freelancers make is that they get very comfortable getting jobs here and there to eke out a living and move on. But with Fiverr, you can actually create a vibrant business and expand your territories. As you continue to delight your clients and maintain a good rating and ranking, you will continue to receive more jobs.

Unfortunately, as some freelancers start to get more jobs, they become more choosy and only do work that they consider profitable. Instead, it would be best if you took advantage of the opportunity of getting more jobs to expand your business by employing people that have the same skills as you and take a commission from the jobs that they do for you. That way, you will not only start a viable freelancing business, but you will also be well on your way to starting a proper business too!

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1 thought on “How To Make Money On Fiverr In Nigeria”

  1. Hi, I tried joining Fiverr but the account got disabled on two trial, what do you think is the issue.

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